Miss Bri

My name is Bri and I LOVE Design. I live in Central Virginia with my Husband (Mr.Poppy), two children (little poppy seeds) and two fat silly cats... Ha!

I grew up begging my mom to let me paint some crazy color on my bedroom walls every 6 months. I have also been known to pick up others trash. I see you judging! It's OK. I have to laugh at myself sometimes when I realize I have an old piece of furniture hanging out my trunk. You should see the look on my husband's face when I try and explain to him what I envision. Over the years I have been able to create the look for my home that I wanted. Not what I bought at a store. And the coolest part is that every one of my creations has a story. To me- They are priceless.

Please come on this journey with me as I live my passion! Let's get our hands dirty, explore the stories of a "piece of furniture" and possibly offend a few people after you tell them what you are going to do with it! Because I get the strangest looks from people when you tell them, "I'm gonna cut this table in half!" or " I'm gonna build shelves out of these drawers".

If you like something on my page, let me know! You can email me at rusticpoppy@aol.com for information on anything you see.
If you live in the Lynchburg Va. area you can drop by Rachel's Attic on Forest Rd and check them out for yourself!